Our partners, funders, donors, and volunteers are vital to the success of Refugee Women's Network. With your support, we will work to equip countless women survivors of war to thrive in their new country.
Your charitable donation to Refugee Women’s Network (RWN) goes a long way to support our work on behalf of refugee women and their families. RWN offers opportunities to sponsor individuals, families, and groups at a range of contribution levels. All contributions to RWN are tax-deductible.
give hope — $50
Social Adjustment
- Interpretation & Translation
- English Language Training Referral
Economic Empowerment
- Basic Employment Preparation
- Individual Vocational Training
Citizenship & Immigration
- General Information Appointment
give inspiration — $150
Social Adjustment
- Information & Referral Appointment
- Individual Sustainability Planning
- Home Management Training
- Emergency/Crisis Intervention & Support
- Health/Wellbeing Intervention & Support
- Women’s/Men’s Support Groups
Economic Empowerment
- Individual Employment Planning
- Employment Strategies, including resumé, job search, application and interviewing
give strength — $250
Social Adjustment
- Family Self-Sufficiency Planning
- Coordinating Basic Needs of 10 Families
Economic Empowerment
- Job Orientation & Placement
- Citizenship & Immigration
- Green Card Application Process
- U.S. Citizenship Application Process
give resiliency — $500
Social Adjustment
- Social Adjustment Workshop for 15 People
- Women’s Health Workshop for 15 People
Economic Empowerment
- Employment Workshop for 15 people
- Specialized Employment Preparation
give empowerment — $1000
Sponsor a Family of Four for One Month
give sustainability — $5000
Sponsor our Social Adjustment Program for One Month
Sponsor our Economic Empowerment Program for One month